This study was carried out with the aim of determining observations, opinions and experiences of newborn team in a newborn intensive care unit (ICU) that implemented kangaroo care.
The qualitative study was conducted with a neonatologist and 13 newborn ICU nurses between September and December 2016. The data were collected by the focus group and in depth interview technique. In the interviews, a semi-structured questionnaire was used with audio recording. The data obtained from the interviews were evaluated by the content analysis method.
It was determined that the average age of the newborn team participating in the study was 32.5 years, least had bachelor’s degree and all were female. Newborn team stated that they had observed various positive effects of the practice of kangaroo care on the mother and newborn, and that the practice had increased communication and cooperation between the mothers and newborn team. The main themes of the study that was found in the content analysis were as follows: happiness (being happy, making happy), peace (calming, pacifying) and confidence (confidence in parenting role, confidence in newborn team).
Kangaroo care had increased the interaction between the mother and the newborn, improving happiness, peace and confidence. It can be suggested that this practice, which has many benefits for mother and infant, should be popularized in all neonatal ICUs in Turkey and that the number of nurses in neonatal ICUs should be increased and that fathers should be involved in these practises.
Kangaroo care, newborn, newborn team, observation, opinion, experience, qualitative research
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