To evaluate the problems occurring during intra-hospital transportation of critically ill pediatric patients.
Material and Methods:
Problems occurring during intra-hospital transportation of critically ill pediatric patients had been evaluated prospectively between Januray, 01 – December, 31 2008 at Çukurova University School of Medicine, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The data were evaluated using descriptive statistics. Data were presented as percentage.
During the study period, a total 180 intra-hospital patient transportation was done. Patients' problems had occurred during those transportations were as follows: desaturation in 2 (1.1 %) patients, bradycardia in 3 (1.6%) patients, tachycardia in 1 (0.5%) patient, hypotension in 3 (1.6%) patient, hypertension in 4 (2.2%) patients, hypothermia in 1 (0.5%) patient. All problems that occurred during intra-hospital transportations had improved via appropriate intrventions. No mortality had occured related to transportation problems.
Intra-hospital transportation of critically ill pediatric patients places the patient at risk for adverse events and thus, it should be performed under strict criteria. As seen in our study, appropriate establishment of transport indications and qualifying of transport equipment may reduce potential transport related adverse events.