Central line-associated bloodstream infections are the most common and significant complications of central venous catheters. The development of central line-associated bloodstream infection in children is increasingly recognized worldwide, although it is often preventable. Guidelines recommend the application of a central catheter insertion bundle and appropriate catheter care to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections. Central catheter insertion and maintenance care bundles consist of interventions that, when used together, are effective in preventing central lineassociated bloodstream infections. Recent literature on central line-associated bloodstream infection prevention shows that using a care bundle approach to improve central catheter insertion and maintenance practices reduces the rates of central line-associated bloodstream infections. Nurses have a direct and permanent role in the handling of central venous catheters. Therefore, they have a unique opportunity to contribute to the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections. However, prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections is an important responsibility for nurses. The nurse’s knowledge of the evidence-based recommendations plays a key role in preventing catheter-related infections. This review summarizes recent literature regarding the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections in critically ill children.
Child, central venous catheter, catheter-related infections, nursing care, care bundles
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